Juvederm family of fillers include a variety of injectable fillers used throughout the face to restore that lost volume, improve lines and wrinkles and augment the cheek or lip areas.
Restylane filler is the go-to product for under-eye injections to restore lost volume, eliminate shadows and overall revitalize your eye appearance. Restylane can also be used in other areas of the face including lips and smile lines.
Botox and Dysport are products that relax those pesky lines in the upper face including crow’s feet, elevens between the eyebrows, and horizontal lines of the forehead. Not all injectors are equal and Dr. Meier uses his years of expertise to achieve a more natural, refreshed look.
Kybella is the only FDA approved injection to reduce the “double chin” or fat in the submental region. An in-office treatment with little downtime, it can dramatically reshape your neck and jawline.
A simple to use system of skin care that Dr. Meier developed to refresh and illuminate your skin. It includes both over-the-counter and prescription based product lines to fit your needs. Whether it is anti-aging or acne, CareLumina is the solution for your skin.
Our licensed and trained aestheticians offer a variety of facial treatments including microdermasion, chemical peels, facials, pore treatments, masks, microneedling, photofacial treatments, permanent eyebrow makeup (tattoo) and dermaplaning revitalizing your look.