A variety of factors such as age, sun exposure and genetics can affect your neck as well as your face. Banding in the neck, double chin or skin textural changes are some of the things that may bother you. A necklift procedure be performed by itself or is often combined with a facelift to address these concerns. If you interested in Necklift in Florida, we want you to be comfortable with the process.
Necklift Consultation
During the consultation, Dr. Meier will thoroughly exam your neck and discuss with you the possibilities for improvement. Skin textural changes may best be addressed with chemical peels or topical treatments whereas banding in the neck or a double chin usually requires a procedure. Dr. Meier will conduct a thorough medical history and review any medications with you. It is important to let Dr. Meier know of any previous facial or neck surgeries you may have had.
Necklift Procedure
You will arrive at the facility for the surgery and meet the nursing staff. They will review your paperwork and start an IV for anesthesia. You will then meet the board-certified anesthesiologist who will be administering the anesthetic for the procedure. They will ask you questions regarding yours medical and surgical history and review the anesthesia process with you. Dr. Meier will also visit with you in the preoperative area prior to surgery.
Surgery begins with a small incision in a small crease just underneath the chin. Liposuction or fat removal to address a double chin or tightening of the bands with sutures may occur. Small sutures are then used to the close the well-concealed incision. The procedure usually takes an hour or two to get just right and can be combined with a facelift or other procedures.
Dressings to support the neck are used overnight. Most patients experience some mild discomfort. It is important to sleep in a fashion that will not disturb the operated area with your head elevated on a few pillows to help with bruising and swelling. Dr. Meier will give you detailed instructions regarding care after the surgery. Follow-up care is important so Dr. Meier can monitor the healing process.
Facial Plastic Surgery in Florida
Your face is your most important feature as it gives both the first and lasting impression. Aesthetic style differs greatly between surgeons as it depends on not only acquired knowledge and experience, but also aesthetics and ability. Dr. Meier uses his expert knowledge, advanced skill and precision techniques to provide you with beautiful results and a natural appearance. That is his style in everything face so call our team for a consultation with Dr. Meier today.